"The Anaether" is an upcoming adult sci-fi drama graphic novel. Usually working on comics, illustrations or animations. If you enjoy my work, please consider supporting me on Patreon.
Most of the time I'm working on comic pages, which are posted on my website or Webtoons/Tapas. I'm most active on Twitter where I repost my work to grow my audience. My most frequent updates with newest content are on Patreon for $5+ patrons.
I really do want to make more illustrations/animations, but I think of that as interrupting my progress with comic pages. I will definitely do more illustrations/animations in the future though. Thank you again.
Post more art! Draw the metal man!
lol I really appreciate your interest in my work.
Most of the time I'm working on comic pages, which are posted on my website or Webtoons/Tapas. I'm most active on Twitter where I repost my work to grow my audience. My most frequent updates with newest content are on Patreon for $5+ patrons.
I really do want to make more illustrations/animations, but I think of that as interrupting my progress with comic pages. I will definitely do more illustrations/animations in the future though. Thank you again.